Pet Lisitings
Upload and view listings of pets available for adoption in your area. Sort through a variety of options like age, size, and breed.
Each pet listing provides comprehensive details about the animal, including breed, age, personality traits, and more.
Pet Finder Quiz
Our app's AI-driven quiz helps users find the perfect pet match by analyzing their lifestyle, living situation, activity levels, and preferences.
The app uses quiz data to recommend pets, ensuring that the suggestions align with the user's unique needs.
Auto Breed Detection
Our app's AI-powered dog breed detection feature allows users to upload a photo of a dog, and it will instantly identify the breed.
Users can learn more about the recognized breed, including temperament, size, grooming needs, and exercise requirements.
This feature helps to ensure that pets are easily identifiable to searchers and there is no hassle for the uploader when listing the pets.
In-app Messaging
Our app facilitates direct and secure communication between users and dog shelters or breeders, eliminating the need for third-party platforms.
Users can inquire about pet availability, adoption processes, and other essential details directly through the app.
This feature streamlines the process, allowing users to coordinate visits, ask questions, and receive timely responses, ultimately expediting the pet adoption journey.